First reason why English is a blessing, on Tuesday night we got to watch a devotional that was broadcasted from the Provo MTC. Elder Holland spoke to us and I was truly spiritually fed. But the reason why English is a blessing, because they broadcasted and spanish translation one and then just the english one, is because the power behind Elder Holland´s voice when he is talking to you is remarkable! It truly is a blessing to be able to hear and understand his talk in his own voice! Moments like that I am so very grateful to know and speak english! Some really good quotes from this talk is:
1. "Make your own personal conversion and stick with it." Whether you´re a missionary, was a missionary, or neither it applies to you!
2. "We are all God´s investigators, don´t disappoint him."
3. "Obedience is the first law of everything."
4. Open your mouth and talk to people. The moment you don´t open your mouth and share what you know to be true is the moment that you are letting Satan win. Something I really liked that he shared is that the worst thing that Satan can do to you is bind your tongue. Be like Joseph Smith and overcome that opposition and share what you know, or pray for revelation from God.
Elder Holland truly is called of God and I really enjoyed the opportunity to hear from him and recieve specific guidance as a missionary!
Another reason why English is a blessing is because I got to hear the temple session in english today, because there was so many of us that speak english here that they could do one session for us! It was amazing and I had a fantastic time at the temple today!
Not much else to report on other than my spanish is coming along. I love you all and thanks for all the support! I´ll report back again on tuesday!